Was born June, 19, 1977 in. Domodedovo city, the Moscow area.
 Dews on Far North, settlement Yagodnoe the Magadan area, studying and being engaged in boxing, and also different technical affairs. Having received secondary education in MS № 1, has arrived on the historical native land :) to learning in hight scool.
 Having ended MADI in 2000, on last rate began to work in the educational centre "Logistic" at Coordination council on logistic (CCL), having begun with development of teaching materials and having finished the project head. Has adjusted IT in CCL and has made the project for Russian Aluminium on training to logistic.
 Then the Zest-express Train the manager on work with clients, then in the transport company the T.K.S.-resource the chief of a commercial department worked in the express company, creating a department.
 Now I work as the younger adviser in the consulting company "Fronstep CIS", I am engaged in introduction of ERP-systems at the industrial enterprises.
 The circle of interests is very wide:

  • consulting;
  • management;
  • IT;
  • web-design;
  • self-education;
  • motorcycles;
  • the Chinese gymnastics u-shu;
  • music of different directions, the best.


P.S. Joke. Recipe of roast ice-cream




Anpilogov Evgeny SergeevichAnpilogov Evgeny Sergeevich

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